Tag Archive for: Project Management

What is the difference between Development Management and Project Management?

Development Management is often mistaken as the same function as Project Management. The reality is however that Project Management is a component of Development Management. Project Management is a more focused, specialist field that plans and manages the technical aspects within the property development lifecycle. Development Management on the other hand plans and manages all the aspects required during the property development lifecycle, i.e. project management, marketing and the financial management. Strategic planning is however critical within the Development Management sphere of responsibilities and is therefore required from day one to ensure that a well planned and co-ordinated approach are implemented on all aspects required.

To save on costs and overheads, some developers tend to expect the Development Manager and the Project Manager to be the same person. This can be achieved when the person has exceptional skills and experience and only on smaller projects that has limited variables. It is however essential that when it comes to larger, more complicated projects that the functions be split.

Project Managers tend to be sucked into the day to day problem solving required on any project, which leaves little or no room for the strategic management of the long-term goals and objectives and co-ordination between the technical, marketing and financial management required.

RedCubed Consulting is a Development – and Project Management firm specialising in providing professional services to prospective property developers. We will consult with you and find the best solution based on your specific development needs.

Contact RedCubed Consulting – we look forward to hearing from you. info@redcubed.co.za | +27 (0) 82 923 4812

Uplifting Communities Through Sustainable Integrated Developments

Low cost and sustainability are very often not associated with one another. Low cost, integrated and sustainable deployments are, however, possible – if they are planned holistically from day one.

Integration is much more than just the integration of residential typologies (i.e. single storey with multi-storey walk-up units or residential with commercial/retail opportunities). It is also more than just integrating fully-, partially- and non-subsidised residential units into the same property development. True integration is established when you afford a community opportunity to integrate in a well planned and structured urban environment irrespective of their income group, race, political views, background, social status etc.

The objective with integration from a town planning perspective should be to allow for a variety of choices for individuals to choose their level of participation in the community. “Upward Mobility” should always from part of any integrated residential development.

Upward Mobility is when an individual starts out in the most affordable, fully- or partially subsidised residential unit, and as they are able to progress in life and their financial means increase, they can move to a larger, more expensive residential unit within the same community. This is important as it allows an individual or family to stay within their chosen community where they have settled down for an extended period of time – or even their entire lives.

Sustainability is the more difficult objective to accomplish but can be achieved if the dynamics involved in an integrated residential development is fully understood. Short term cross subsidisation planned correctly will lead to long term sustainability.

At RedCubed Consulting, we believe in helping people and companies achieve their goals and objectives. We believe in being part of the solution. We believe that our clients are our partners and that if our partners succeed, we succeed – and vice versa.

RedCubed Consulting is a Development Management and Town Planning firm specialising in providing professional services to prospective property developers. We will consult with you and find the best solution based on your specific development needs.

Contact RedCubed Consulting – we look forward to hearing from you. info@redcubed.co.za | +27 (0) 82 923 4812